Casos de Éxito
Coca-Cola Chihuahua grows and improve his production capacity to fill market demand
- Origins
- Arca installed a new non-returnable packing line within the plant RIMAC in Lima, Perú. Electro helped with AC to move the line to Lima to install it in Chihuahua.
- Solution proposal
- Electro participated with the expert engineering team of Arca Continental in the next periods of the project:
- -Transfer to Lima, Peru
- -Unloading and armed of Chihuahua
- -Support with the car manufacturers for their maintenance
- -Installation of services (water, air, syrup, CO2, etc)
- Results
- It was achieved the consolidate the production capacity of the plant in Chihuahua, by means of
- -Use of existing assets
- -Growth of the electric substation